Let’s Eat!

So here I am in Boston, falling in love with the scenes, places, people, activities, and most importantly, the food. I decided to record a selection of the food I’ve been eating around town, thereby giving myself justification to eat more food so I can blog about it. I’m here for a whole summer so follow along with my food adventures~! The name of this blog is By the Esplanade because sunrises and sunsets at the Charles River Esplanade are probably the most beautiful parts of my day.


1. All the pictures, reviews, and comments I have regarding the restaurants and eateries are solely my personal opinions. Consult other sourcesĀ for a more holistic review.

2. Sorry about the awkward Snapchat captions here and there. I get lazy and don’t want to take pictures twice.

3. I’m on a college student budget, so there probably won’t be alot of bougie boug restaurants on here. But I’ll try my best to include a diverse range of places!

Eat on!